Haryana Building Bye Laws

Below is the permissible FAR for different plot sizes, as per Haryana’s Town and Country Planning Department:

Plot Size Max. Coverage Existing FAR Additional FAR Total FAR
Up to 75 sqm 66% 1.65 0.99 2.64
75 to 100 sqm 66% 1.65 0.99 2.64
100 to 150 sqm 66% 1.45 1.19 2.64
150 to 200 sqm 66% 1.45 1.19 2.64
200 to 250 sqm 66% 1.45 1.19 2.64
250 to 350 sqm 60% 1.25 1.15 2.40
350 to 500 sqm 60% 1.20 1.20 2.40
Above 500 sqm 60% 1.00 1.40 2.40

Exemptions from Ground Coverage and FAR Calculations:
Certain areas, such as permitted roof projections, lift rooms, mumties, open staircases, terraces, fire escapes, and stilt areas (if used for parking), are exempted from FAR and ground coverage calculations. However, ventilation shafts over 3 square meters and the areas under shafts, chutes, lift wells, and staircases are counted only once, on the ground floor.

Ground Coverage in Haryana
Ground coverage refers to the area of a building that directly touches the ground. This includes spaces such as shafts, chutes, lift wells, atriums, and staircases. However, areas like ventilation shafts over 3 square meters, fire staircases, and approved open courtyards are excluded from this calculation.

In recent amendments to the Haryana Building Code (2017), the government now permits 85% ground coverage for small plots ranging from 60 to 150 square meters. For larger plots (150 to 225 square meters), up to 70% ground coverage is allowed.

Setbacks in Haryana
Setbacks define the minimum open space required around the building.

According to Haryana Building Code, the setbacks for different plot sizes are:

Plot Area (sqm) Front Setback (m) Rear Setback (m)
Up to 60 sqm 0.5 0.5
60 to 150 sqm 1.5 1.0
150 to 225 sqm 2.5 2.0
225 to 450 sqm 3.0 3.0
Above 450 sqm 4.5 4.0

Setback Considerations:

  • Front setbacks can be modified to meet ground coverage limits, but rear setbacks must remain constant.
  • Setback areas can be used for ventilation, light, and access to the basement as long as they don’t obstruct fire trucks.
  • All open areas must have walls that are at least 230mm thick.

Building Height: Measured from the finished ground level to the roof. Protruding elements like mumties, ducts, water tanks, and parapets under 1.2 meters are excluded from the height calculation. A building’s height, including stilts, should not exceed 16.5 meters.

Stilt and Lift Lobby: Stilts, typically used for parking, must have a minimum height of 2.45 meters from the floor to the bottom of the beam. Lift lobbies should be at least 1.8m x 2.0m in size.

Plinth: The plinth, the building’s foundation, must be between 450mm and 1.5 meters high, and proper drainage must be ensured.

Bathrooms and Water Closets: These areas must have proper drainage and ventilation.

Boundary Wall: The maximum height for the front boundary wall is 1.2 meters, while rear and side walls can go up to 1.8 meters.

Party Wall: A common boundary wall (party wall) between adjacent houses requires the consent of neighboring property owners and must be 230mm wide.

Staircase: Each staircase must allow 2.1 meters of headroom. A spiral staircase must be at least 1 meter wide.

Passage and Corridors: Corridors and passages must be at least 1.25 meters wide and fire-resistant, with a headroom height of 2.15 meters.

Exits: Exit doors must be wide enough to allow for easy evacuation—1 meter in residential buildings and 2 meters in assembly or institutional buildings.

Light and Ventilation: Adequate natural light and ventilation must be provided, with internal courtyards at least 3×3 meters in size. Ventilation shafts must follow prescribed dimensions based on building height.

Cantilevered Roof and Chajja Projections: Chajjas (sunshades) must be 0.23 meters wide and at least 2.3 meters above ground. These should not exceed half the setback width.

Basement: The basement should have a clear height of 2.4 to 4.75 meters. It must meet conditions for ventilation, and clearance from the fire department is mandatory if it is habitable.

Balcony: Front and rear balconies should not exceed 1.8 meters in width. In buildings with side setbacks, side balconies can be up to 1 meter wide.

Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater harvesting systems are mandatory for buildings with roofs of 100 square meters or more. Groundwater recharging is also required for plots over 500 square meters.